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Sunday, April 20, 2014

11th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA South Srilanka

Dear Johnian:


11th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2013/14

Date : Saturday, April 26, 2014

Venue : Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
            21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
           (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time : 06:30 pm - Assemblage
         06:45 pm - Meeting commences
         08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts : Volunteers will be appreciated!


1. President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2. Excuses.
3. Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
4. Adoption of the minutes of the 10th Ex. Co. held on January 25, 2014.
5. Matters raised from the last minutes.
6. Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
7. Adoption of the 107th AGM minutes held on May 18, 2013.
8. Secretary’s report for 2013/2014.
9. Adoption of the audited accounts. (January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2013)
10. Discussion on the AGM

  •  Venue and time of the Service & AGM (Hotel rates to be discussed)
  •  Publicity (Paper advert | Write-up | Posts to individuals)
  •  Pricing & Sales of tickets
  •  Last date of the sales
  •  Sub-Committee for the AGM
  •  Invitees for the services

11. Discussion on the Scholarship Programme.
12. Discussion about the annual combined trip.
13. Any other business.
14. Vote of Thanks
15. College Song.

B Thayalan