St.John's College – Jaffna.
Principal Events in the Past
March 1823
Rev.Joseph Knight - inaugurated the Nallur English Seminary with Seven students with classes held in his Bungalow. The Bible was made the most prominent subject of study along with a good secular Education.
1824 The number of students increased to 13 Rev.William Adley arrived in Ceylon and joined Rev.Knight in the Teaching.
1825 Rev.Adley took charge of the Seminary.
1826 Rev.Adley baptised four of his pupils. There were 30 students in the Seminary.
1928 Rev.Adley attended the Annual Conference of the Church Missionary Society with three of his pupils. Rev.John Hensman admitted as a student.
1831 The Bishop of Calcutta visited the Seminary and examined some of the classes of the Seminary with which he appeared to be well pleased.
1834 Mr.Adley comments - "A vast change has lately taken place in the native mind generally on the subject of education. The advantages of which are so evident that establishments on the Principle of the seminary might be filled to almost any extent to which our means may enable us to open them".
1839 Mrs.Adley died and Rev.Adley left for England. He returned in 1841 but was not attached to the school. Rev.F.W.Taylor took over from Rev.Adley and was in charge of the Seminary.
1845 The English Seminary was transferred to Chundikuli and school was carried on in rented premises. The school was now named The Chundikuli Seminary. Rev. J.T.Johnstone was appointed Principal and Mr.John Hensman as Head Master. The Old Portuguese Church of St. John the Baptist at Chundikuli was handed over to the C.M.S and services were held in the Church by Rev.Johnstone and the students of the Seminary attended these services.
1846 Johnstone went to U.K on furlough due to ill health and Rev.Robert Pargiter was appointed Principal. Rev.Pargiter shifted the school from the rented building and temporary buildings put up by Rev.Johnstone, to a large hall adjoining the east end of the old church.
1848-53 Mr. John Phillips was Head Master.
1851 The seminary was divided into 06 classes
1853 Mr. Robert Williams was Head Master. He continued as Head Master till 1866.
1859 The Old church was demolished and the present one put up.
1861 A new school building was put up by Rev. Pargiter. Part of the land was given by Mr.P.A.Dyke the Government Agent.
1862 Government Grant in aid was relinquished by the CMS as restrictions were placed upon Scriptural instruction. For the next 10 years school was maintained by fees, grant from the C.M.S and private support. The school continued to maintain its high standards. The Principal requested the Government Inspector to inspect the school who was of opinion that School was maintained on the proper lines and that good work was being done.
1865 School presented for first time students for the Matriculation Examination of the Madras University. Those who sat were Mr. Jeremiah Evarts who later became Head Master. Mr.Arumugam who later became Secretary of the Jaffna Kachcheri and Mr.Annamalai who became a Government Surveyor in the Straits Settlements. Other students during this period were Mr.J.M.Hensman B.A., an educationalist in South India and who retired as Principal of Kumbaconam College. Mr. Casipillai who later functioned as Crown Proctor. During this period the school gained a proud position in the life of the community.
1866 Robert William died of Cholera. Mr. Pargiter retired. He later became Association Secretary of the C.M.S and for the next 20 years Vicar of a Parish near Oxford from which he retired in 1906. He died in 1914 in his 99th year.
1867 The school was in charge of Mr.Jeremiah Evarts. Rev.Thomas Good who arrived in February 1867 had general superintendence of the school. The only two candidates who passed the Matriculation Examination of the Madras University were from this school.
1 874 Rev.David Wood was appointed Principal.
1876 Rev.D.Wood bought an additional piece of land on which in 1888 Evarts House was erected.
1878 Rev.D.Wood was transferred to Colombo and was succeeded by Rev.E.Blackmore who died on 24th October 1878. Rev.G.I.Fleming took charge. Work was started to prepare pupils for the Cambridge University Examination
1885 First time Seminary presented candidates for the Cambridge junior – C.A..Aseervatham, K.Subrumaniyam, Issac Thambyah and M.Seudder passed the Cambridge Junior Exam.
!886 Head Master Jeremiah Evarts died.
1889 Permanent Boarding house was constructed with funds from old boys to perpetuate the memory of Mr.Evarts.
1889 Mr.Charles Handy B.A was appointed Head Master. Mr.Fleming was transferred to Colombo. Mr.Handy was appointed Acting Principal.
1890 The Seminary was made a centre for the Calcutta University Examination - six sat for the Matriculation Exam and three passed in 1891.
First school Library Association was formed.
1890 Mr.Handy was ordained Deacon and later ordained Priest in 1893.
1891 The school celebrated the Jubilee of its work at Chundikuli and to mark the occasion was given the name ''St. John's College”. The number on roll was 250. First time a Prize Giving is mentioned.
1892 Rev.J.W.Fall was appointed Principal.
1893 The school was affiliated to Calcutta University as a Second Grade College.
1893 The college presented two boys for F.A.Exam of the Calcutta University -Mr.G.Philippiah passed and later joined the staff.
1894 Prize Giving Report refers to Cricket and Athletic sports as forming part of the educational life of the school.
1895 Rev.Fall was transferred for work in the Tamil Cooly Mission and was succeeded Rev. J. Carter M.A (Trinity College Cambridge)
1896 Mrs.Carter the wife of the Principal started a school for English girls in Jaffna with eight pupils - five were boarders lodged in the Principal's Bungalow.
1896 First person to graduate from the College - Mr. William Wadsworth
1899 The C.M.S handed over Management of Kopay English School to the Principal
1899 Death of Mrs.Carter and departure of Rev.Carter - succeeded by Mr.Ryde. October 13th roof of the main building collapsed. Repairs were affected with assistance from parents of the students.
1890 August Mr.Ryde was appointed Principal of Trinity College.
1900 Rev.Jacob Thompson M.A (Corpus Christie College Cambridge) appointed Principal.Rev.Thompson took steps to appeal for funds for rebuilding the school.
1901 February,A new hall with four classrooms was formally opened by the Bishop of Colombo. Dr Copleston.
1901 March , Three wings of the boarding House was ready for occupation. A major portion of the fund required were collected from Old boys and friends and Rev.C.C.Handy raised a large sum from old boys in Malaya. The course at the college were extended to the Cambridge Senior. In December one student Mr.Subramaniyam passed the Cambridge senior.
September 1904 Mr.Thompson went on furlough and handed over temporary charge to Rev. W.J.Hanan, The Boarding House with Mr.G.Phillippiah as Boarding Master was fully established. Number of Boarders was 60. An athletic Club and a Tennis Committee were formed. In order to raise the standard of class work in the school and to assist poor boys Scholarships were founded in 1904. The College Magazine was published in July. Mr. Isaac Tambyah being the first Editor.
1906 The Library Association and the College Y.M.C.A were re-organized. Hockey was introduced by Mr.A.J.R.Vethavanam who joined the Staff after graduating from Calcutta University. Botany was introduced as a subject with Mr.A.M.Nathaniel as Teacher.
1908 The College Crest introduced - with the Eagle of St. John representing the College - a Shield carried in its talons to represent the Christian shield of Faith, a Palmyrah to represent Jaffna and a torch to represent the diffusion of light through knowledge of Christ. Beneath words used by St. John. The design was drawn by Horace Thompson son of the Principal.
May 1908 The Headmaster Rev.C.C.Handy died and was succeeded by Rev.T.H.Crosette, M.A.. F.R.Hist, Calcutta and Allahabad Universities.
1909 Introduction of the Prefect System into College life. First time college students acted a play of Shakespeare with Mr.W.A.Walton as the Producer. The old boys raised funds to extend the playground to commemorate Mr.Handy's memory. Principal's Bungalow - foundation laid. The grounds of St.John's were extended in memory of the late Rev.C.C.Handy, headmaster from 1889 to 1908. The Handy Memorial Library was later built on this land.
March 1910 Principal went on furlough handing over the Management to the Headmaster. Mr.T.H.Crosette. The Teaching of Chemistry. Physics introduced along with the setting up of a Laboratory.
1911 Mr.T.H.Crossette the Headmaster was appointed Vice Principal. Urumpirai CMS School was opened with the Principal, as Manager.
1912 Year marked by splendid results at Public Examinations - Cambridge Junior - 21 passed our of 25 - R.R.Crossette Tambyah obtaining 2nd Class Honours with Distinction in History and English. Cambridge Senior - 15 out of 20 A.M.K.K.umaraswamy obtained 1st Class honours with Distinction in Mathematics.
1913 The Handy Memorial Library was built and donated to the College by DrJ.M.Handy.
1914 Mr.T.H.Crossette. Vice Principal went to Strait Settlements and F.M.S, on a Collection tour which helped in building the Robert Williams Hall.
July 1914 Robert Williams Hall was completed. The Prefects Guild was formed.
1915 Formation of the Social Service Union.
1916 St. John's College forms the first Scout Troop in Jaffna. Five old boys of the College - Horace and Denton Thompson (sons of the Principal). Richard Aiyadurai. I.C.Eliathamby and Rev.Leembruggen enlisted in the Army in 1st World War against Germany.
1917 T.H.Crosette left St. John's to become Principal of Manipay Hindu College. Rev.Thompson went to the Settlements and received generous contributions towards the College Extension Fund A "New Dormitory in memory of Rev.G.T.Fleming was built on his return. Twynam Museum Collection handed over to the College.
1918 Mr.Thompson relinquished his duties due to poor health and returned to U.K. and later was appointed Rector of Grafton Regis, Stony Stratford. Rev.K.C.McPherson M.A.(Kelele College Oxford) was appointed Acting Principal. The Play, Manohara was staged to collect funds for Social Service Work. The introduction of the Cadet Corps. Drill made compulsory for all students. Old Boys Association was revived.
The Fleming House was built in memory of the late Rev.G.T.Fleming. Principal 1880 -1887, with funds supplied by Dr.J.M.Handy Mr.Mc.Pherson was transferred in October 1919 as Chaplain to the Bishop of Madras and Mr.A.M.Nathaniel was appointed Acting Principal.
Inaugurated the College Assembly in the Hall.
In addition to punctuality a higher standard of conduct, class work, attendance and fee payment was required.
Prefect Body was re-organized.
A literature club and a Historical Society were formed.
The Y.M.C.A was re-organized and called the St. John's College Christian union. Old Boys association re-organised.
Through the generosity of Mr.W.H.Figg, the compound was enlarged and a new playing field added.
1921 Mr T.H.Crossette returned to St. John’s as Vice Principal.
January 1921 The upper Third Form was formed by which better boys in the second form could pass in one year to the Cambridge Junior.The Masters Association was revived. Five new classrooms erected during 1921. Mr.K-Nesiah won Second Prize in British Empire Senior Essay Competition.
Inter-House Sports were held for the first time.
The Thompson Boarding House was purchased.
1921 Was the 80th Anniversary of the College in Chundikuli and an Extension Fund was opened.
Mr.A.M.Nathaniel left to become Principal of Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda.
Mr.William Wadsworth, a student of the college and who after a brilliant career was appointed District Judge of Colombo, died during this year and college was closed for his funeral.
1921 The college Blazer came into existence.
The oratorical contest with the Arulpragasam Gold Medal given by Mr.C.Arulpragasam was inaugurated.
1923 Donation of Rs 25.000/- to the college by Rev.W.H.Figg decided to include the Girls college premises with St. John's College compound and transfer the Girls College to Nallur.
The Masters Guild was formed with Principal and Vice Principal as members.
13th & 14th June 1924
The Centenary Celebrations were held and an appeal was launched to collect Rs.60000/- towards the Building Fund, Rev.W.S.Senior, Sir Anton Berbram (Lord Chief Justice) and Rev.W.Meston, (M.A., B.D) were present at the Celebrations.
1924 Mr.T.H.Crossette appointed as Acting Principal during Rev.Peto's furlough.
1925 Shakespeare's Play "Twelfth Night'' staged by the College.
1926 The House System established with 8 school houses Knight, Pargiter. Adley, Jonnstone, Williams, Evarts, Handy, Thompson.
1929 Rev.J.A.R.Navarartnam appointed Chaplain of the College.
1931 Mr.A.M.K.Cumarasamy appointed as Vice Principal
1932 Mr.A.M.K.Cumarasamy appointed Acting Principal and Mr.J.C.Handy, acting Vice Principal and Bursar during the absence of Rev.H.Peto on furlough.
Dec 1932 Rev.H.Peto returns from furlough.
1935 C.M.S. Delegation consisting of Prebendary Cash, the General Secretary of the C.M.S in London, Sir Cusack Waiton and Dr.Cook Rs.21,0007- was collected for the Thompson Memorial Fund. Visits by the Chairman of the Church Schools Commission, the Rev.G.T.Selvyn, Rev.A.G.Fraston of Trinity, Negro Delegation, the Student Christian Movement of America and Dr.Stanely Jones took place during this year.
1936 Rev J.T. AruIanantham appointed as Vice Principal.
1938 The Principal, the Rev.Henry Peto, the Vice Principal, the Rev.J.T.AruIanantham and Mr.E.M.Ponnudurai visited the old boys in Malaya during the Easter vacations.
1941 Work on the Robert Williams' Hall and a new Dining Hall was completed.
Mr.P.C.Gaussen appointed Vice Principal.
Jul 1941 Foundation for the Centenary Science Block laid by Dr.Ivor Jennings, Principal of the University College. The Cottage system in the Boarding House introduced.
Sep 1941 The 25th Anniversary of the College Scout Troop.
1943 The Rose Walton Memorial Sick Room Built.
1945 St. John’s opts to remain outside free scheme of Education.
1948 The 125th Anniversary celebration held on a grand scale.
New Iron Gate for the entrance gifted by Dr. C. Candiah (J.P)
1949 St. John’s won the All Ceylon Collegiate Volley Ball Championship – Captain S.Panchalingam
Nov 1949 Mr. S. Sivaprakasam appointed Vice Principal
1950 New Block for Junior School.
1951 St. John’s joins the free education system.
1952 Death of Mr. J.H. Crossette and Mr. A.M. Nathaniel
1953 Station (Tamil) School amalgamated with St. John’s. The property adjoining Fleming House was purchased.
1954 The Mahendra Theatre was purchased by the C.M.S for Rs. 65,000/= and lent to the College for the use as a hostel named “Peto Hostel”
1954 College won the Northern Province Inter Collegiate Boxing Challenge Shield for the second year in succession Captain. K. Yathukulasingham.
May 1957 The.Rev.J.T.Arulanantham retires and is succeeded by Mr.P.T.Mathai, Mr.A.W.Rajasekaram appointed Vice-Principal.
May 1957 Mr.P.T.Mathai retires and Mr.A.W.Rajasekaram appointed Principal. Mr.J.T.Chclliah appointed Vice-Principal.
1960 An Advisory Committee set up to advise the Governing Body. St.John’s opts to become a Private and Non-Fee-Levying School, mainly due to the energetic action taken by the Old Boys' Association.
1963 Mr. J.C. Handy appointed Manager of the College.
Oct 1963 St John's wins out station Tarbet challenge trophy at the Public School Meet- Missed the Public School Championship by 2 points.
Dec 1966 Mr.A.W.Rajasekaram retires as Principal.
Mar 1967 Mr.K.Pooranampillai assumes duties as Principal.
Nov 1967 The Board of Governors for Educational institutions founded by the C-M.S. Ceylon, decides to set up a joint Committee to advise the Governing Body in matters concerning the College with the proviso that the joint Committee in due course develops into a Governing Body for St.John's College and the Jaffna Academy.
1969 Death of Mr.A.W.Rajasekaram
1970 Mr.C.E.Anandarajan appointed Co-Vice-Principal.
1972 Death of Mr.J.C.Handy, Manager of the College.
1973 Ter Jubilee of St.John's. Ter Jubilee Souvenir published
Jan 1973 J.F.Sigmaringam teacher died under tragic circumstances.
1974 The Governing Body accepts in principle the setting up of a separate Board of Directors for St.John's College and takes action to draft constitution based on the drafts submitted by the Old Boys' Association and the Joint Committee.
150th Anniversary celebration held on a large scale. Opening of Ter Jubilee Hall and the Peto Memorial Hall.
Dec 1974 Mr.J.T.Chelliah retires as Vice Principal
1975 Mr.C.E.Anandarajan returns from U.K after Post Graduate Studies
Feb 1976 Mr.K.Pooranampillai retires as Principal
Mar 1976 Mr.C.E.Anandarajan appointed as Principal.
Nov 1976 Mr.V.R.Amarasingham and Mr.S.P.Panchalingam appointed as Co-Vice-Principals.
Feb 1977 Mr.M.W.Rajasingham and Mr.M.Wiyayaratnam gift cricket score board to College.
1978 Mr.V.R.Amarasingham and Mr.S.Pancnalingam Jubilarians.
1979 75th Anniversary of the O.B.A.
1979 College Model farm opened at Nallur by Australian High Commissioner.
1980 Mr.V.R.Amarasingham retires as Vice-Principal Mr.T.Gunaseelan succeeds him.
1980 St.John's won all island Quiz Championship.
1980 Vocational Training institute for automobile engineering opened.
1981 Leo Club inaugurated at St. John's.
1981 G.C.E (A/L) results best in the island.
1981 Mas. Nirthanan Selvanayagam wins 1st prize in all island short story competition conducted by Sri Lanka English Association of Writers and Playwrights.
1981 J.T.Arulanantham Block opened.
1982 Dr.David Peto son of Rev.Henry Peto Visits St.John's hosted to dinner by Jaffna O.B.A.
1982 Tamil Debating team runner up in all island competitions.
1983 Part II of the history of St. John's released due to the untiring efforts of Mr.S.M.V.Tissainayagam.
1983 Rt.Rev.Lakshman Wickramasinghe Bishop of Kurunagala passed away.
1983 College won first place in the Mahaweli quiz contest semifinals scoring maximum possible points of 100.
1983 Lal Samuel all island under 13 badminton champion.
Aug 1983 More than 300 students affected by ethnic disturbances in the South admitted to St. John’s
1983 Opening of A.W.Rajasekaram Block by Dr.Devanesan Nesiah
1984 Un-beaten 1st eleven cricket team selected as best team in the North.
Mar 1985 Opening of K.Pooranampillai Block, P.T.Matliai block and E.M.Ponnudurai pavilion.
1985 Mr.T.Gunaseelan succeeds him as Principal.
1985 Mr.V.Thuraisamy head master of Primary School retires.
Jan 1986 Mr.S.Thanapaian appointed as Middle School Supervisor.
1986 Mr.S.P.Jeevanatham appointed as Primary School Head Master.
Dec 1986 Mr.J.N.Ponmah appointed as Co-Vice Principal.
1985 Annual Prize Giving not held.
Feb 1987 Prize Giving held as an internal function.
Mar 1987 Mr.Gunaseelan retires due to ill health,. Mr.K.Pooranampillai performs Principal's duty.
Jun 1987 Newly consecrated Bishop Rt.Rev.J.J.Gnanapragasam visits St.John's.
Sep 1987 Mr.S.Panchalingam retries as Vice-Principal.
Oct 1987 I.P.K.F Operation, Oct-Dec College not in a position to function. Extensive damage toCollege due to shelling.
Jan 1988 Dr.E.S.Thevasagayam assumes as Principal.
Feb 1988 Installation of Principal.
Jun 1988 Mr.S.Thanapalan appointed as Co-Vice- Principal.
1988 Laying of foundation for new science complex.
Sep 1988 Mr.S.Thanapalan leaves for
1988 Car bomb blasts near St.John's one student died and five others injured.
Feb 1989 Mr.K.S.E.Xavier teacher and coach passed away.
Aug 1989 Vice Principal Mr.S.Thanapalan returns from U.K. after post graduate studies.
Nov 1989 Mr.J.Ponniah retires as Vice Principal.
1989 Mas.N.Subanesan (One of the injured in the car bomb blast gets an aggregate of 351 and was placed first in the order of merit in the all island G.C.E. A/L 1989 Bio results.
Jul-Oct 1990 College couldn't function normally.
Mar 1990 Dr.E.S.Thevasagayam goes on medical leave.
Aug 1990 Mr.S.Thanapalan appointed as acting Principal.
Aug 1990 Mr.K.P. Sivarajah commerce teacher died due to aerial bombardment.
Jul 1991 S.Kanapathippillai and Mr.K.Ganesalingam appointed as Co-Vice Principals.
1991 Mr.S.Antrionypillai appointed as middle school supervisor.
Dec 1991 Mr.S.P.Jeevanantham retires.
Jan 1992 Mr.N.J.Gnanaponrajah appointed as Primary School Head Master
Apr 1993 Dr.E.S.Thevasagayam retires and Mr.S.Thanapalan succeeds as Principal.
Jun 1993 Mr.S.Thanapalan installed as Principal.
Aug 1993 Mr.D.J.Thevathason appointed as Head Master Primary School.
Sep 1993 Mr.N.J.Gnanaponrajah leaves for U.K. for further studies.
Feb 1994 Social service forum of College celebrates its Silver Jubilee
1995 Principal S.Thanapalan completes 25 years of dedicated service.
1995 College manager Dr.T.W Jeyakularajah awarded prestigious "Mahara Yarl" by Kamban Kazaham.
Oct 1995 Exodus of Jaffna Population.
17th Apr 1996 Opening of pocket schools comprising of students from St.John's College and Chundikuli Girls College, in Point-Pedro, Chavakachcheri and Kilinochchi. The first two closed after two days due to military operations. The Kilinochchi School continued till July. Bishop Kenneth Fernando visited it and was highly impressed.
Jun 1996 Bishop Rt.Rev.Kenneth Fernando visits College with Chairman Dr.E.S.Thevasagayam & Archdeacon RevJ.Sarvanantham.
Sep 1996 Asia Foundation contributes 430 volumes to College Library.
Dec 1996 Mr.S.Kanapathippillai retires as Vice-Principal
1986 Two eminent Bishops Rt.Rev.D.J.Ambalavanar (an old boy) and Rt.Rev.J.J.Gnanapragasam passed away.
1997 Bishop of Colombo rt.Rev.Kenneth Fernando Chief Guest at Prize Giving.
Mar 1997 Dr.E.S.Thevasagayam Chairman Governing Body visits College.
1997 Almost all damaged buildings repaired. Peto Memorial Hall given a new look.
1998 175th Anniversary of College. Celebration held in Jaffna on 7th, 8th and 9th.
Important events: release of Commemorative stamp on 7tn. Opening of new Science complex and another block of class rooms, laying of foundation stone for new administrative block. College Prize Giving. Mr.S.Sivathasan was the Chief Guest.
Aug 1998 The Old Boys in Melbourne, Australia celebrated the event. Principal Mr.S.Thanapalan was present on the occasion.
Sep 1998 Past pupils of St.John's North American chapter celebrated the event with a thanks giving service and dinner dance.
1999 Bishop of Jaffna the Rt Rev Dr E Thomas Savundaranayagam Chief Guest at Prize Giving.
The Administrative Complex funded by the Norwegian Government was declared open by His Excellency Jon Westborg, Ambassador for Norway in Sri Lanka.
1999 Sept 28th Canadian High Commissioner Her Excellency Ruth Arcibald visits St.John’s.
The Rev N J Gnanaponrajah appointed Sectional Head for Collegiate Level.
1999 June 24th The College Day was held for the first time. From 2000 onwards it has been celebrated on May 6th which falls on St John the Evangelist Day.
2000 Jan 1st Mr.J.Amalaseelan was appointed Vice Principal.
2000 Feb 25th Foundation stone for the Primary School Block was laid by Mr.S.Sivathasan.
2000 June 5th – July 27th St.John’s with Chundikuli functions at Jaffna College, Vaddukoddai due to displacement.
2001 A property at Kandy Road was purchased
2001 Feb 1st Mr.K.Ganeshalingam, Vice Principal retires from service.
2001 March The Rev N J Gnanaponrajah appointed Vice Principal and Mr P Sriharan Sectional Head for Collegiate Level.
2001 March 31st Mr.S.Kathirgamathamby retired from service and Mr A Pirapaharan appointed as Sectional Head for Senior Secondary.
2001 March 15th The General Secretary, World Council of Churches the Rev Conrad Raiser visited St John’s and opened the Computer Unit donated by Dr Srikanthy Handy in memory of her father Dr G R Handy.
2001 April 22nd Former Principal Mr K Pooranampillai passed away in UK
2001 Dec Former Vice Principal Mr J N Ponniah passed away.
2002 Rev N J Gnanaponrajah was appointed Area Dean for the Jaffna Archdeaconry, Church of Ceylon.
2002 April 10th The Deputy High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Sri Lanka Mr Peter Hughes, Director of the British Council Ms Susan Maingay and the Deputy Director Anna Searle visit St.John’s.
2002 July 20th Bishop of Colombo the Rt Rev Duleep de Chickera was Chief Guest at Prize Giving.
2002 June 3rd The College Hostel was revived after it was closed in October 1990
2002 July 22nd The Governing Body meeting was held in Jaffna for the first time after two decades.
2002 Sept 13th The Primary School Building was declared open by Dr E S Thevasagayam (Principal Emeritus and Chairman Governing Body)
2003 Jan English Medium (Mathematics, Environmental Studies, and Health & Physical Education) in grade six was introduced.
2003 A limited Over Cricket Match was played against Jaffna Central for the first time.
2003 Mini Tennis was introduced in the Primary School.
2003 June 16th The Primary Library was reopened after a lapse of eight years.
2003 July 19th Bishop of Kurunagala & the Chairman of the Governing Body the Rt Rev Kumara Illangasinghe was Chief Guest at Prize Giving
2004 Nov 1st Mr Muthiah Muraleetharan, Sri Lankan Cricketer, visited the school on a World Food Programme
2004 March St. John’s celebrates the Triple Centenary Celebrations - Centenary of the Big Match, Old Boys’ Association and the College Magazine.
The OBA Centenary Souvenir was released by OBA South Ceylon.
The Big Match was played three days for the first time.
OBA Centenary Hymn “Lift up! Lift up! Your voices” was composed by the Rev A J C Selvaratnam
2004 March 22nd The foundation stone was laid by the Rt Rev Kumara Illangasinghe for the Teachers’ Quarters (OBA Centenary Block). The archive was declared open by the Archdeacon of Jaffna the Ven S P Nesakumar; the Exhibition by the OBA Vice President Mr N Kugathasan and the Trade Stall by Dr S Thirunavukarasu, Vice President OBA.
Renaming Buildings:
J T Arulanantham Block by Dr Karunyan Arulanantham
P T Mathai Block by Dr Royce Arasaratnam
C E Anandarajan Block by Mr Niranjan Navaratnam
T Gunaseelan Block by Mr T Sithamparanathan
2005 Jan The Rev N J Gnanaponrajah completed 25 years
2005 Limited over Cricket Match against Kandy Trinity College. St John’s won the match.
2005 April 11th Foundation stone for new Staff Room was laid by the Archdeacon the Ven S P Nesakumar.
2005 April 25th Former Vice Principal Mr J T Chelliah passed away in Canada.
2005 Foundation stone for the new library was laid by Mr S Sundarakumar, Consultant Engineer
2005 May 21st St John’s had twinned two schools RCTM School Manalkadu, Vadamaradchi and GTM School Kallapadu, Mullaithivu on a response to Tsunami.
2005 Oct The Rev N J Gnanaponrajah was one of the three Sri Lankans selected by the American Centre to participate in the South Asia School Collaboration Project held at Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA.
2005 Nov 7th New Staff Room was declared open by the Ven S P Nesakumar, the Archdeacon of Jaffna.
2005 T Tharshan won the 2nd place in 110 m Hurdles (Under 17) at the All Island Schools Games and also won the National Colours. He was awarded “Johnian Eagle”
2005 OBAs inaugurated:
Nov 9th Maryland, USA Convener: Dr Jehan Canagarajah
Nov 11th Northern California - Convener: Mr S Aravinthan
Nov 16th Chicago – Convener: Dr T Wigneswaran
Nov 24th Buffalo – Convener: Mr Gobinath Amarasingam
Nov 26th New Jersey – Convener: Mr S Kamaleshkumar
Nov 27th New York – Convener: Dr Suresh Canagarajah
Nov 29th Boston – Convener: Mr D Jebaratnam
Dec 3rd Norway – President: Mr Angelo Snell
Secretary: Mr Jeikishan Jegatheesan
Treasurer: Mr Prabaharan Kumarasamy
Dec 4th Denmark – Convener: Mr Noel Thevarajah
2006 9th Period – Activity Period was introduced
2006 Feb 400 m Track inaugurated on the 11th of February, 2006 by the late Principal Mr. S. Thanapalan. The first event – 400 m Hurdles U-19.
2006 July 31st Reconstructed Library was declared open on 31st of July 2006 by the Bishop of Colombo the Rt. Rev. Duleep de Chickera. Karunyan Arulanantham Stand declared opened by Mr V Sivasubramaniam; Staff Room (Ladies) by Mr S Navarathnarajah
2006 July 31st Principal Thanapalan retired from service.
2006 Aug 1st The Rev N J Gnanaponrajah was appointed Acting Principal.
2006 Aug 1st “Oath for Students” and “Oath for Teachers” were introduced.
2006 Aug H Solomon Rajaram won the
1st Placein Creative Writing (Grade 7) at the National Level English Day Competitions-2005 held in Aug 2006. 2006 Aug 15th Principal Emeritus Mr S Thanapalan passed away.
2006 Oct 1st Christian Formation Programme was inaugurated.
2006 Oct 16th English Language Development Programme for School Leavers under Vocational Training commenced.
2006 Oct 18th “Oath for Old Boys” was introduced at the Teachers Day Celebration.
2006 Nov 1st The Rev N J Gnanaponrajah was appointed Principal.
2006 Dec 2nd Former Vice Principal Mr S Panchalingam passed away in Colombo.