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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Invitation for the 6th Ex-Co (2019/2020) Meeting of SJC OBA (South Sri Lanka)

Dear Johnian ;                          


6th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2019/2020

Date        :    Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Venue     :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall

                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06

                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time       :    06:15 pm - Assemblage

                    06:30 pm - Meeting commences

                    08:00 pm - Meeting concludes

                      ( Adhering to COVID 19 regulations ONLY the refreshments will

                        be provided)

Hosts      :    Mr E M Deva,  Mr R Loganathan,  Mr Mr Subaschandrabose Nishantha

                      Mr B Balajeyandhan

Special Note :

All Johnians are kindly requested to adhere to the health ministry guidelines

on COVID-19 prevention while attending the ExCo meeting.

·         Wearing mask and maintaining social distancing is a must

·         Hand sanitizer will be made available at the entrance


1.      1.   President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.

2.       Excuses.

3.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.

4.       Promotions / achievements / matrimonial news.

5.       Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting

6.     Matters arising from the minutes. 

7.      Treasurer’s report

8.       Discussion on Welcome and Farewell event for the principal 

9.      Discussion on AGM arrangements

10.      Sub - Committees updates    

* Christmas Sub-Committee

* Sports Sub-Committee

* Eagle Vision 2023   Committee

* Teachers’ Day  Sub-Committee

* Finance Sub-Committee

* Website Sub-Committee

* Scholarship Sub-Committee

11.    Any other business.

12.Vote of Thanks.

13. College Song.  


Balasingham Balajeyandhan

(Honorary Secretary)