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Saturday, January 17, 2015

4th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Dear Johnian:


4th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Date        :    Saturday, January 24, 2014

Venue      :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time        :    06:45 pm - Assemblage
                    07:00 pm - Meeting commences
                    08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts       :    Mr K Mahadeva, Mr K Vasanthan, Mr S Ramalingam

1.       President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2.       Excuses.
3.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
4.       Adoption of the minutes of the 2nd Ex. Co. held on Aug 30, 2014.
5.       Matters arising from the last minutes.
6.       Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
7.       Brief about the Annual Christmas get-together with the Accounts by the Treasurer.
8.       Discussion on the Annual Trip.
9.       Discussion on the Cricket Match with SPC OBA
10.    Any other business.
11.    Vote of Thanks.
12.    College Song.


B Thayalan
(Honorary Secretary)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

3rd Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Dear Johnian:


3rd Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Date        :    Saturday, November 08, 2014

Venue      :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time        :    06:45 pm - Assemblage
                    07:00 pm - Meeting commences
                    08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts       :    Mr R Anushangan, Mr R Kumaran, Mr B Thayalan

1.       President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2.       Excuses.
3.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
4.       Matters arising from the last minutes.
5.       Adoption of the minutes of the 2nd Ex. Co. held on Aug 30, 2014.
6.       Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
7.       Address by the Principal/Jaffna OBA on Sports Complex.
8.       Update on the Grade 5 Scholarship Project
9.       Update on the match with SPC OBA – Colombo.
10.    Discussion of Annual Christmas get-together.
11.    Discussion on the Annual Trip.
12.    Any other business.
13.    Vote of Thanks.
14.    College Song.

B Thayalan
(Honorary Secretary)

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Dear Johnian:



Date        :    Saturday, October 04, 2014
Venue      :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall

                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06

                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery) 

Hosts       :    M/S B Balajeyandhan, S Janarthanan, M Kiritharan, R Loganathan,

                    J J Jeyendran, E M Deva, D Vijayakumar and Balaretnaraja Family.


6.45 pm            : Assemblage

6.55 pm            : Commencement of the

7.00 pm            : Opening Prayer

7.05 pm            : Welcome Address - Mr S Aravinthan

7.10 pm            : Kavithai by Mr A Sadagoban

7.22 pm            : Speech on behalf of OBA - Mr K Vasanthan

7.27 pm            : Address by a Past Teacher - Mr A Augustine

7.40 pm            : Presentation of Tokens to Teachers

8.00 pm            : Address by the Guest Speaker  - Mr. Dhanan Senathirajah

8.20 pm            : Special Song by Mr H T Vipulananda

8.26 pm            : Vote of Thanks - Mr R Loganathan

8.31 pm            : College Song

8.35 pm            : Fellowship & Dinner




B Thayalan

(Honorary Secretary)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

2nd Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Dear Johnian:




2nd Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Date        :    Saturday, August 30, 2014

Venue      :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall

                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06

                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time        :    06:45 pm - Assemblage

                    07:00 pm - Meeting commences

                    08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts       :    Mr H T Vipulananda, Mr S Malavarayar, Mr R Eswaralingam



1.       President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.

2.       Excuses.

3.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.

4.       Matters arising from the last minutes.

5.       Adoption of the minutes of the 1st Ex. Co. held on July 26, 2014.

6.       Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.

7.       Discussion on the progress report of the scholarship students

8.       Update of Sports Committee

9.       Update on the Annual Trip

10.    Treasurer’s update.

11.    Any other business.

12.    Vote of Thanks.

13.    College Song.



B Thayalan

(Honorary Secretary)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1st Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Dear Johnian:
1st Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15
Date        :    Saturday, July 26, 2014
Venue      :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery)
Time        :    06:45 pm - Assemblage
                    07:00 pm - Meeting commences
                    08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner
Hosts       :    Mr T Jeyakumar, Mr S Rajanathan, Mr S Jebaratnam
1.       President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2.       Excuses.
3.       New Ex – Co welcomed and introductions.
4.       Adoption of the minutes of the 12th Ex. Co. held on May 31, 2014.
5.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
6.       Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
7.       Appointment of Sub - Committees & Conveners
- Sports committee                  - Joint trip committee                        - Website committee
- Teachers’ day committee      - Christmas committee
8.       Preparation of the Event Calendar for 2014/2015.
9.       Ex. Co. meeting schedules for 2014/2015.
10.    Treasurer’s update.
11.    Any other business.
12.    Vote of Thanks.
13.    College Song.
B Thayalan
(Honorary Secretary)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

11th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA South Srilanka

Dear Johnian:


11th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2013/14

Date : Saturday, April 26, 2014

Venue : Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
            21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
           (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time : 06:30 pm - Assemblage
         06:45 pm - Meeting commences
         08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts : Volunteers will be appreciated!


1. President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2. Excuses.
3. Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
4. Adoption of the minutes of the 10th Ex. Co. held on January 25, 2014.
5. Matters raised from the last minutes.
6. Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
7. Adoption of the 107th AGM minutes held on May 18, 2013.
8. Secretary’s report for 2013/2014.
9. Adoption of the audited accounts. (January 01, 2013 to December 31, 2013)
10. Discussion on the AGM

  •  Venue and time of the Service & AGM (Hotel rates to be discussed)
  •  Publicity (Paper advert | Write-up | Posts to individuals)
  •  Pricing & Sales of tickets
  •  Last date of the sales
  •  Sub-Committee for the AGM
  •  Invitees for the services

11. Discussion on the Scholarship Programme.
12. Discussion about the annual combined trip.
13. Any other business.
14. Vote of Thanks
15. College Song.

B Thayalan

Friday, January 17, 2014

10th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA South Srilanka

Dear Johnian:


10th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2013/14

Date : Saturday, January 25, 2013

Venue : Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
            21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
            (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time : 06:30 pm - Assemblage
          06:45 pm - Meeting commences
          08:30 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts : Mr S K Xavier, Mr S Bahirathan & Mr T Suganthan

1. President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2. Excuses.
3. Adoption of the minutes of the 9th Ex. Co. held on November 30, 2013.
4. Adoption of the 107th AGM minutes held on May 18, 2013.
5. Matters raised from the last minutes.
6. Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
7. Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
8. Brief about the SJC-OBASSL & CGC-PPA join Christmas Carol and Get-together.
9. Discussion about the annual combined trip.
10. Any other business.
11. Vote of Thanks
12. College Song.

B Thayalan
(Honorary Secretary)