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Saturday, April 25, 2015

6th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Dear Johnian:

6th Ex-Co Meeting of St. John's College, Jaffna OBA (SSL) – 2014/15

Date        :    Wednesday April 29, 2015

Venue      :    Holy Trinity Church - Parish Hall
                    21, St Lawrence Road, Colombo 06
                    (The road opposite Royal Bakery)

Time        :    06:45 pm - Assemblage
                    07:00 pm - Meeting commences
                    08:15 pm - Meeting concludes with Dinner

Hosts       :    Mr R Anushangan

1.       President convenes the meeting; calls for opening prayer.
2.       Excuses.
3.       Announcement of deaths (if any), followed by 2 minutes silence.
4.       Adoption of the minutes of the 5th Ex. Co. held on February 28, 2015.
5.       Matters arising from the last minutes.
6.       Promotions/achievements/matrimonial news.
7.       Adoption of the Accounts for the Financial Year 2014/2015.
8.       Adoption of the Minutes of 108th AGM.
9.       Adoption of Secretary’s report for the period of May 2014 to Apr 2015.
10.    Discussion on 109th AGM.
11.    Any other business. – Farewell to our Vice President, Mr Anushangan
12.    Vote of Thanks.
13.    College Song.

B Thayalan
(Honorary Secretary)