The young Johnians might want to know, why we called this principal is a legend, because St. John`s educated this gentleman through his intelligence. He was smart, powerful, bright, truthful, easy going friendly, handsome man to be the leader for this great institution. This man became the Eagle of our school and took our college to the highest level in all times. He shed his blood for the college and gave his life as a gift to all Johnians.

Johnians will always stand proudly behind this brave man`s name for our college. He courageously risks his life every day during the difficult time towards our college goal of a stable, strong and peaceful education for each and every student. And as a human, he approached directly every poor child in our college and helped with financial and educational assistance. His specialty is he knew each student`s name and their families. He walks as speed as lightning and asks questions like thunder. We students always had all information on our finger tips to answer him.
He always had his own style and the way of raising morale by making each and every day wonderful and meaningful to all students, teachers and staff. He was a great Principal and an amazing friend to all of us. His sensitivity and ability to connect with people touched many of us, specially our parents, friends and the community of Jaffna. Our beloved Principal was very much passionate about education and inspired those around him always. One of the best personal teaching of him is learn to say NO , when things going wrong stand up for it and do the right thing.
Twenty five years has gone, but in every old boys gathering, dinner, picnic or even house parties around the world his name comes up in conversations for the values he taught, discipline he maintained in school, his professionalism, and his respect for people. He was a well disciplined man and, even the ducks he had in his house walk in line and still we talk about it.
We called our loving Principal at St. John`s with different nick names such as: Iron man because one slap on the face is more than enough treatment for rest of our life to be on right track Man of Principals , he always talk with facts and stick to what he says and his words never went wrong Mr. James Bond , he was the Hollywood figure for entire community of Jaffna `Ananthi` the sweetest humble name, named by the students for the strongest, built, powerful six foot man.
The memorable moment of my loving principal in my life is, during the big match in 1982, after we drew the match escaping from innings loss with Central College, he came into the grounds after the last ball was bowled, and gave me and my partner a big hug and held our shoulders with his hands. Whenever I think about that moment, I still get the electric shock feeling of our Principal because we still love him for the things he has done for us and which we can never pay him back again.
He is a legend and he lives in our heart always. |